Your Best Choice!
office: 908-288-4456
cell: 908-240-1217
Sabko Tax Office
62B West Somerset St.
Raritan, NJ 08869
If you are my client and the new customer is on your recommendation, you will receive a $15 discount for each recommended customer.
If you have already done your taxes, the discount will be added to your Tax Return fees for next year.
Sabina Ludynia
She was born and raised in Poland. Also in her country, in 1994 she obtained her Master’s Degree in Mathematics.
Sabina came in the USA in 2003. She worked as a self-employed and acquired experience with the American work, life, and people.
In 2016 she obtained Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) with IRS, completed the Income Tax Course through Liberty Tax, passed Bronze and Silver Level Tax Preparer Certification, and worked for the company for one tax season. The following year she ventured out on her own and started SABKO TAX.
In January 2017, she was commissioned as a New Jersey Notary Public.
In September 2017, she completed Bookkeeping Program from Penn Foster Career School.
From October 2017, every year she completed all requirements to become an Annual Filing Season Program participant.
In December 2017, she completed all requirements to get the Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and become an Authorized IRS e-file Provider.
From 2019 she is an Authorized DOMPAK Agent.
Computerized Tax preparation
E-file tax returns
ITIN Apply / Renew
Notary Public
Bookkeeping for self-employed
Shipment of parcels to Poland and other European countries
Airline Tickets
Help with a filing applications
SABKO TAX has been operating since 2017 providing reliable and affordable services:
Computerized Tax preparation (sorry, no state return for California, Maryland, Oregon. NY tax return - only for non-resident),
Estate Tax Return,
E-file Tax Returns,
1099s forms,
Help to apply for, or renew, an ITIN Tax ID
Notary Public service,
Bookkeeping for self-employed.
“I am not an attorney licensed to practice law and may not give legal advice about immigration or any other legal matter or accept fees for legal advice”.